Personal FAQ Link to heading
This is my personal FAQ. If you want to find more about me, check the two CV links.
Favorite File Format for Writing Link to heading
I like plain text format and prefer LaTeX when possible. Otherwise, I prefer Markdown.
Mastering Go, 4th edition Book Link to heading
Mastering Go is now in its 4th edition! You can find more information about it at Packt and on Amazon.com.
Time Series Indexing Link to heading
Time series are everywhere, ranging from financial data and system metrics to weather stations and medical records. Being able to access, search, and compare time series data quickly is essential, and this comprehensive guide enables you to do just that by helping you explore SAX representation and the most effective time series index, iSAX. The book begins by teaching you about the implementation of SAX representation in Python as well as the iSAX index, along with the required theory sourced from academic research papers. The chapters are filled with figures and plots to help you follow the presented topics and understand key concepts easily. You can find the Time Series Indexing book here.
Mastering Go, 3rd edition Book Link to heading
The legacy of Mastering Go continues with the 3rd edition of the book!! The 3rd edition of Mastering Go is ready and you can get it from Packt, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de or any other Amazon store.
Mastering Go, 2nd edition Book Link to heading
The 2nd edition of Mastering Go is ready and you can get it from Packt, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, or any other Amazon store.
Mastering Go Book Link to heading
The Mastering Go book is ready and you can buy it from Packt, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, or any other Amazon store.
Go Systems Programming Book Link to heading
The book is ready and you can buy it from Packt, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, or any other Amazon store. You can find more information about Go Systems Programming at https://www.mtsoukalos.eu/Go-Systems-Programming.
I used to have my own magazine column! Link to heading
Starting from issue 151, Linux User and Developer magazine publishes “The Coding Column”. The last “Coding Column” was in Linux User and Developer issue 165.
Things that I am proud of Link to heading
- The July 2013 issue of MacTech magazine had 4 of my articles published!
- Writing an ftp client in C++ (for Linux) for my M.Sc. project!
- Writing articles for Computer magazines for more than 10 years!
- I have written articles for ;login magazine!
- I have written articles for 3 UK Linux magazines: Linux User & Developer, Linux Format and Linux Voice!
Favorite Programming Language Link to heading
My favorite programming language of all time is C. However, nowadays I really enjoy working with Go, Zig, Python and Rust.
Programming Languages and Technologies I want to learn next Link to heading
The current list is the following:
- Zig
- Statistical Learning
- Rust
- Database Internals
Which programming languages do I use? Link to heading
I regularly use Python 3 for writing UNIX scripts as well as Go and Zig for Systems Programming.
The last few years, I also wrote bash(1)
scripts, mainly for defining CI/CD jobs.
Things that I like Link to heading
- Building UNIX command line tools
- Writing (obviously!)
- Reading
- Learning
- Coffee
Do I offer Consulting Services? Link to heading
Yes. Contact me for more information.
Am I available for teaching? Link to heading
Yes. Contact me for more information.